ECE 6960: Sustainable Computing (Spring 2024)
This graduate level course provides an overview of the holistic environmental
impact of computing platforms over the course of their lifetime. Topics include
life cycle analyses of computing devices, carbon footprint of computing,
computer architecture and systems, renewable energy driven data centers,
intermittent computing, sustainable applications (e.g., AI), and emerging
technologies. We will understand how to evaluate and consider the holistic
environmental impact of computing platforms including carbon, water, e-waste,
and materials used. Through reading, analyzing, and discussing papers, and an
open-ended project students will develop a holistic understanding of the
environmental impact of computing and designing sustainable platforms.
Course Staff

Guest speakers
Guest speaker |
Vikram Iyer (University of Washington) is an Assistant Professor in the in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering and co-director of the CS for Environment Initiative. His work takes an interdisciplinary approach to connect ideas between different engineering domains and biology to build end-to-end wireless systems that push the boundaries of technology with particular focus on size, weight, and power. |
Josiah Hester (Georgia Tech) is the Allchin Chair, and Associate Professor in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. He designs and deploys tiny computers that last for decades, supporting applications in sustainability, healthcare, interactive devices, and education |
Carole-Jean Wu (Meta) is a Director of AI Research at Meta. She is a founding member and a Vice President of MLCommons. Prior to Meta/Facebook, Dr. Wu was a professor at ASU. She earned her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University and a B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University |
Andrew Chien (University of Chicago, Argonne National Lab) is the William Eckhardt Distinguished Service Professor in Computer Science, Director of the CERES Center for Unstoppable Computing, as well as Senior Computer Scientist at the Argonne National Laboratory. He currently serves on the Advisory Board for the NSF’s Computing and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Directorate, as a member of the DARPA Information Science and Technology Study Group |
Stay tuned for more exciting speakers! |